Friday, March 6, 2009

Future Development of Plum Canyon

Your Association President Tim Cormier was able to get an answer from Keystone Development on the construction improvements that are planned for the Plum Canyon area:

According to Keystone Development this project has received final approval to build 499 residences. The estimated project timeline is to start construction in the spring of 2010. Yes, there is still a plan for a 30,000 square foot YMCA facility. The plan also includes a junior high school on the property, although development of the school is not scheduled and status is undetermined. Finally, the plan included a Dorothy Street is not part of our Map. Ermine Street was included and approved on our Map as a through street.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Pet Maintenance

During our recent walk though your community many homeowners expressed concern of other people’s dogs defecating in their yards. If walking a dog throughout the community please make sure it is on a leash and that you pick up after it. According to the LA County Civil Code Section 10.40.060 it is illegal to let a dog defecate on property other than your own without picking it up.

Management Team

Property Management Professionals
Phone: 661- 295-4900
