Tuesday, June 1, 2010


The Plum Canyon Board of Directors appreciates and encourages homeowner feedback. If you have suggestions or requests which would better the community please share them with your Board of Directors. Please e-mail your thoughts and suggestions to Brad Watson at Property Management Professionals - bwatson@pmprollc.com or feel free to simply post your thoughts on this blog.
Your comments and suggestions will be shared with the Board of Directors and discussed at the next regularly scheduled Board Meeting.


  1. I wish my neighbor wouldn't park his blue truck in front of my house all the time.

  2. I would still LOVE to see some improvements to the hill behind Linda Lane. It could be so much more beautiful with just a little TLC

  3. D- Thank you for your posts. Regarding parking within the Plum Canyon Community, the Association's streets are governed by the LA County parking requirements, which state that an automobile may not be parked in the same location for more than 72 hours or else it is subject to tow. It is our understanding that the truck you're referencing is moved regularly. If this is not the case, I encourage you to report the vehicle to the LA County Sheriff, who will chalk and tow vehicles left parked in the same location for over 72 hours.
    Regarding landscape enhancements throughout the community's common areas, the Association's Landscape Commmittee along with the Board of Directors are regularly inspecting the Association's landscaping and making improvements. I will pass along your suggestion to the Landscape Committee.


Management Team

Property Management Professionals
Phone: 661- 295-4900
